
Gargoyle is designed to work around a very simple API. Generally, you pass in the switch key and a list of instances to check this key against.


The simplest way to use Gargoyle is as a decorator. The decorator will automatically integrate with filters registered to the User model, as well as IP address (using RequestConditionSet):

from gargoyle.decorators import switch_is_active

@switch_is_active('my switch name')
def my_view(request):
    return 'foo'

In the case of the switch being inactive and you are using the decorator, a 404 error is raised. You may also redirect the user to an absolute URL (relative to domain), or a named URL pattern:

# If redirect_to starts with a /, we assume it's a url path
@switch_is_active('my switch name', redirect_to='/my/url/path')

# Alternatively use a name that will be passed to reverse()
@switch_is_active('my switch name', redirect_to='access_denied')


An alternative, more flexible use of Gargoyle is with the is_active method. This allows you to perform validation on your own custom objects:

from gargoyle import gargoyle

def my_function(request):
    if gargoyle.is_active('my switch name', request):
        return 'foo'
        return 'bar'

# with custom objects
from gargoyle import gargoyle

def my_method(user):
    if gargoyle.is_active('my switch name', user):
        return 'foo'
        return 'bar'


If you prefer to use templatetags, Gargoyle provides two helpers called ifswitch and ifnotswitch to give you easy conditional blocks based on active switches (for the request):

{% load gargoyle_tags %}

{% ifswitch switch_name %}
    switch_name is active!
{% else %}
    switch_name is not active :(
{% endifswitch %}

{% ifnotswitch other_switch_name %}
    other_switch_name is not active!
{% else %}
    other_switch_name is active!
{% endifnotswitch %}

The else clauses are optional.

ifswitch and ifnotswitch can also be used with custom objects, like the gargoyle.is_active method:

{% ifswitch "my switch name" user %}
    "my switch name" is active!
{% endifswitch %}

Switch Inheritance

Switches utilizing the named pattern of parent:child will automatically inherit state from their parents. For example, if your switch, parent:child is globally enabled, but parent is disabled, when is_active('parent:child') is called it will return False.

A parent switch that has its status set to ‘inherit’ will return the default value for a switch, which is False (the same as disabled).


Currently inheritance does not combine filters. If your child defines any filters, they will override all of the parents.

Testing Switches

Gargoyle includes a context manager, which may optionally be used as a decorator, to give temporary state to a switch on the currently executing thread.

from gargoyle.testutils import switches

def test_switches_overrides():
    assert gargoyle.is_active('my_switch_name')  # passes

def test_switches_context_manager():
    with switches(my_switch_name=True):
        assert gargoyle.is_active('my_switch_name')  # passes

You may also optionally pass an instance of SwitchManager as the first argument:

def test_context_manager_alt_gargoyle():
    with switches(gargoyle, my_switch_name=True):
        assert gargoyle.is_active('my_switch_name')  # passes