Manager API reference

This document describes the Switch Manager API. This is generally referred to as the global gargoyle object, which lives in gargoyle.gargoyle.

class gargoyle.manager.SwitchManager(*args, **kwargs)

Returns a generator which yields groups of lists of conditions.

>>> for set_id, label, field in gargoyle.get_all_conditions():
>>>     print("%(label)s: %(field)s" % (label, field.label))

Given the identifier of a condition set (described in ConditionSet.get_id()), returns the registered instance.


Returns a generator yielding all currently registered ConditionSet instances.

is_active(key, *instances, **kwargs)

Returns True if any of instances match an active switch. Otherwise returns False.

>>> gargoyle.is_active('my_feature', request)

Registers a condition set with the manager.

>>> condition_set = MyConditionSet()
>>> gargoyle.register(condition_set)

Unregisters a condition set with the manager.

>>> gargoyle.unregister(condition_set)

Switches are handled through the ModelDict interface, which is registered under the Switch model.

class gargoyle.models.Switch(*args, **kwargs)

Stores information on all switches. Generally handled through an instance of ModelDict, which is registered under the global gargoyle namespace.

value is stored with by type label, and then by column:

>>> {
>>>   namespace: {
>>>       id: [[INCLUDE, 0, 50], [INCLUDE, 'string']] // 50% of users
>>>   }
>>> }
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned
add_condition(manager, condition_set, field_name, condition, exclude=False, commit=True)

Adds a new condition and registers it in the global gargoyle switch manager.

If commit is False, the data will not be written to the database.

>>> switch = gargoyle['my_switch']
>>> condition_set_id = condition_set.get_id()
>>> switch.add_condition(condition_set_id, 'percent', '0-50', exclude=False)
clear_conditions(manager, condition_set, field_name=None, commit=True)

Clears conditions given a set of parameters.

If commit is False, the data will not be written to the database.

Clear all conditions given a ConditionSet, and a field name:

>>> switch = gargoyle['my_switch']
>>> condition_set_id = condition_set.get_id()
>>> switch.clear_conditions(condition_set_id, 'percent')

You can also clear all conditions given a ConditionSet:

>>> switch = gargoyle['my_switch']
>>> condition_set_id = condition_set.get_id()
>>> switch.clear_conditions(condition_set_id)

Returns a generator which yields groups of lists of conditions.

>>> for label, set_id, field, value, exclude in gargoyle.get_all_conditions():
>>>     print("%(label)s: %(field)s = %(value)s (exclude: %(exclude)s)" % (label, field.label, value, exclude))
remove_condition(manager, condition_set, field_name, condition, commit=True)

Removes a condition and updates the global gargoyle switch manager.

If commit is False, the data will not be written to the database.

>>> switch = gargoyle['my_switch']
>>> condition_set_id = condition_set.get_id()
>>> switch.remove_condition(condition_set_id, 'percent', [0, 50])